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Protocol>Protocol type (process_type_ontology object) The type of protocol.For example "sample enrichment".
Process type ontology IDprotocol.type.ontology (string from process_type_ontology) An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.For example "EFO:0009128" or "EFO:0009121".Graph restriction: Subclasses of EFO:0002694 from obo:efo.
Process type ontology labelprotocol.type.ontology_label (string from process_type_ontology) The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.For example "enzymatic dissociation" or "blood draw".
Process typeRequiredprotocol.type.text (string from process_type_ontology) The name of a process type being used.For example "enzymatic dissociation" or "blood draw".
Document filenameprotocol.protocol_core.document (string from protocol_core) A filename of a PDF document containing the details of the protocol.For example "my_cool_protocol.pdf".
Protocol descriptionprotocol.protocol_core.protocol_description (string from protocol_core) A general description of the protocol.
Protocol IDRequiredprotocol.protocol_core.protocol_id (string from protocol_core) A unique ID for the protocol.
Protocol nameprotocol.protocol_core.protocol_name (string from protocol_core) A short name for the protocol. DOIprotocol.protocol_core.protocols_io_doi (string from protocol_core) The digital object identifier (doi) for the protocol.For example "10.17504/".
Publication DOIprotocol.protocol_core.publication_doi (string from protocol_core) The publication digital object identifier (doi) for the protocol.For example "10.1101/193219".
Protocol>provenance (provenance object) Provenance information provided by the system.
Accessionprotocol.provenance.accession (string from provenance) A unique accession for this entity, provided by the broker.
Document IDRequiredprotocol.provenance.document_id (string from provenance) Identifier for document.
Schema major versionprotocol.provenance.schema_major_version (integer from provenance) The major version number of the schema.For example "4" or "10".
Schema minor versionprotocol.provenance.schema_minor_version (integer from provenance) The minor version number of the schema.For example "6" or "15".
Submission dateRequiredprotocol.provenance.submission_date (string from provenance) When project was first submitted to database.
Submitter IDprotocol.provenance.submitter_id (string from provenance) ID of individual who first submitted project.
Update dateprotocol.provenance.update_date (string from provenance) When project was last updated.
Updater IDprotocol.provenance.updater_id (string from provenance) ID of individual who last updated project.
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