HCA Data Portal

Medical history

Information about the medical history of a donor.

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Alcohol historymedical_history.alcohol_historycopy (string) Estimated amount of alcohol consumed per day. For example "3-6 alcohol units/day" or "1 drink per day".
Medicationsmedical_history.medicationcopy (string) Medications the individual was taking at time of biomaterial collection. For example "Naproxen 500mg/day" or "Citalopram 20mg/day".
Nutritional statemedical_history.nutritional_statecopy (string enum) Nutritional state of individual at time of biomaterial collection. Should be one of: "normal", "fasting" or "feeding tube removed".
Smoking historymedical_history.smoking_historycopy (string) Estimated number of cigarettes smoked per day. For example "20 cigarettes/day for 25 years, stopped 2000".
Test resultsmedical_history.test_resultscopy (string) Results from medical tests performed on the individual. For example "lipid panel shows normal level of LDL (124 mg/dL)" or "HIV, HBV, HCV: Negative".
Treatmentsmedical_history.treatmentcopy (string) Treatments the individual has undergone prior to biomaterial collection. For example "Patient treated with antibiotics for a urinary tract infection" or "Patient treated with chemotherapy (Epirubicin, cisplatin, capecitabine) to treat stomach cancer".

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