HCA Data Portal

HCA Bionetwork

Information about whether the project is part of a HCA Bionetwork or HCA Atlas.

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Project Tissue Atlas Statushca_bionetwork.atlas_projectcopy (boolean) A field describing if this project is the HCA Tissue Atlas project which integrates data from other datasets. For example "Yes" or "No".
HCA Tissue Atlashca_bionetwork.hca_tissue_atlascopy (string enum) A field describing if the project is part of a HCA Tissue Atlas (e.g. Brain Alzheimer Atlas). Should be one of: "Blood", "Retina", "Lung", "Kidney", "Gut", "Eye" or "Brain".
Official HCA Tissue Atlas Versionhca_bionetwork.hca_tissue_atlas_versioncopy (string) A field describing which version of the HCA Tissue Atlas is associated with the project (e.g. v1.0; v2.0) For example "v1.0" or "v2.0".
Official HCA Bionetworkhca_bionetwork.namecopy (string enum) HCA Bionetwork the project is a part of (e.g. Kidney). Should be one of: "Adipose", "Breast", "Development", "Eye", "Genetic Diversity", "Gut", "Heart", "Immune", "Kidney", "Liver", "Lung", "Musculoskeletal", "Nervous System", "Oral & Craniofacial", "Organoid", "Pancreas", "Reproduction" or "Skin".

Used by

This module is used by the following properties: