HCA Data Portal
Kidney Network

Kidney Network

Network Description

Progressive kidney diseases affect over 800 million people worldwide, and their prevalence continues to grow. A fundamental challenge to curing these diseases is understanding the great cellular and spatial complexity of the human kidney, and the molecular pathways and circuits that regulate kidney homeostasis and are disrupted in disease.

The Kidney Biological Network aims to generate a comprehensive reference atlas of normal human kidney across lifespan, sex and ancestry. The atlas will determine the cellular composition and transcriptome of fetal and adult kidneys, and how they change with normal human development and aging, as well as examine sex and ancestry differences that may underlie well-established differences in susceptibility to kidney disease. This Kidney Cell Atlas will provide a comprehensive foundational resource open to the scientific community.

Kidney Network atlases are still under development.

Meanwhile, individual HCA Kidney Datasets are available as potential source datasets for integrated atlases.

Network Coordinators

Menna ClatworthyAnna GrekaMatthias Kretzlerkidney@humancellatlas.org