A Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas of Human Skin Aging. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | | 35,678 |
A single-cell atlas of chromatin accessibility in the human genome | Homo sapiens | sci-RNA-seq | 18 anatomical entities | | 500,000 |
An Optimized Tissue Dissociation Protocol for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis of Fresh and Cultured Human Skin Biopsies | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v3 | skin of body | | 24,029 |
Anatomically distinct fibroblast subsets determine skin autoimmune patterns. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | normal Progressive vitiligo | 50,000 |
Classification of human chronic inflammatory skin disease based on single-cell immune profiling | Homo sapiens | 3 library construction methods | skin of body | | 158,037 |
Comparison of manual and two types of bioprinted kidney organoids by single cell RNA-seq. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v3 | skin of prepuce of penis | | 106,040 |
Construction of A Human Cell Landscape by Single-cell mRNA-seq | Homo sapiens | Microwell-Seq | 37 anatomical entities | | 702,968 |
Decoding human fetal liver haematopoiesis | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | 4 anatomical entities | | 223,112 |
Defining Transcriptional Signatures of Human Hair Follicle Cell States | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | skin of body | | 1,422 |
Developmental cell programs are co-opted in inflammatory skin disease. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | | 7,000 |
Differential cell composition and split epidermal differentiation in human palm, sole, and hip skin | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | skin of body | | 18,524 |
Dissecting the clonal nature of allelic expression in somatic cells by single-cell RNA-seq | 2 species | Smart-seq2 | 5 anatomical entities | | 1,318 |
Early-life inflammation primes a T helper 2 cell-fibroblast niche in skin | 2 species | 2 library construction methods | skin of body | normal eosinophilic fasciitis | 14,201 |
Establishing Cerebral Organoids as Models of Human-Specific Brain Evolution | Homo sapiens | Fluidigm C1-based library preparation | 2 anatomical entities | | 1,001 |
Fate-mapping within human iPSC-derived kidney organoids reveals conserved mammalian nephron progenitor lineage relationships. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | | 5,365 |
Genome-Wide DNA Hypermethylation in the Wound-Edge of Chronic Wound Patients Opposes Closure by Impairing Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | 3 anatomical entities | normal type 2 diabetes mellitus | 36,487 |
Human cerebral organoids recapitulate gene expression programs of fetal neocortex development. | Homo sapiens | Fluidigm C1-based library preparation | 3 anatomical entities | | 734 |
Human melanocyte development and melanoma dedifferentiation at single-cell resolution | Homo sapiens | Smart-seq2 | skin of body | | 9,719 |
Identification of neural oscillations and epileptiform changes in human brain organoids. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v3 | zone of skin | | 54,942 |
In Vitro and In Vivo Development of the Human Airway at Single-Cell Resolution | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | 3 anatomical entities | | Unspecified |
Lineage recording in human cerebral organoids. | Homo sapiens | 3 library construction methods | skin of body | | 103,520 |
Low-coverage single-cell mRNA sequencing reveals cellular heterogeneity and activated signaling pathways in developing cerebral cortex. | Homo sapiens | Fluidigm C1-based library preparation | 2 anatomical entities | | 301 |
Mapping the developing human immune system across organs | 2 species | 5 library construction methods | 10 anatomical entities | | 922,332 |
Melanoma infiltration of stromal and immune cells | Mus musculus | Smart-seq2 | 3 anatomical entities | | 6,639 |
Multi-scale spatial mapping of cell populations across anatomical sites in healthy human skin and basal cell carcinoma | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | 12 anatomical entities | normal basal cell carcinoma | 233,379 |
Myofibroblast transcriptome indicates SFRP2hi fibroblast progenitors in systemic sclerosis skin | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | skin of body | normal diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis | 65,199 |
Neuronal defects in a human cellular model of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | | Unspecified |
Organoid single-cell genomic atlas uncovers human-specific features of brain development | Homo sapiens | 5 library construction methods | 3 anatomical entities | | 19,916 |
Population-scale single-cell RNA-seq profiling across dopaminergic neuron differentiation. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | | 1,000,000 |
Profiling of transcribed cis-regulatory elements in single cells. | Homo sapiens | 6 library construction methods | 3 anatomical entities | | 60,443 |
Re-evaluation of human BDCA-2+ DC during acute sterile skin inflammation. | Homo sapiens | Smart-seq2 | 2 anatomical entities | | 455 |
Retinal ganglion cell-specific genetic regulation in primary open angle glaucoma | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | normal primary open angle glaucoma | 247,520 |
Robust temporal map of human in vitro myelopoiesis using single-cell genomics. | Homo sapiens | 3 library construction methods | skin of body | | 470,000 |
Single cell RNA sequencing to dissect the molecular heterogeneity in lupus nephritis | Homo sapiens | Fluidigm C1-based library preparation | 3 anatomical entities | normal systemic lupus erythematosus | 899 |
Single cell RNA-Seq of E18.5 developing mouse kidney and human kidney organoids | 2 species | 10x 3' v2 | 2 anatomical entities | | 14,585 |
Single cell RNAseq of human nail unit defines RSPO4 onychofibroblasts and SPINK6 nail epithelium | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin epidermis | | 11,541 |
Single cell analysis of endometriosis reveals a coordinated transcriptional program driving immunotolerance and angiogenesis across eutopic and ectopic tissues | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | 3 anatomical entities | | 122,000 |
Single cell transcriptional zonation of human psoriasis skin identifies an alternative immunoregulatory axis conducted by skin resident cells | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v3 | skin of body | | 24,259 |
Single cell transcriptomics of human epidermis identifies basal stem cell transition states. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | | 17,553 |
Single-Cell Atlas of Lineage States, Tumor Microenvironment, and Subtype-Specific Expression Programs in Gastric Cancer | Homo sapiens | 10x TCR enrichment | 2 anatomical entities | | 200,000 |
Single-Cell Lymphocyte Heterogeneity in Advanced Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma Skin Tumors | Homo sapiens | 10X 3' v2 | skin of body | normal primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma | 14,056 |
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals Human iPS Cell-derived Alveolar Type 1 Cells in Alveolar Organoids | Homo sapiens | Smart-seq | dermis | | 83 |
Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals markers of disease progression in primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma | Homo sapiens | 10x 5' v1 | 2 anatomical entities | | 47,172 |
Single-cell analysis reveals congruence between kidney organoids and human fetal kidney | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' V2 sequencing | skin of body | | 8,323 |
Single-cell analysis reveals innate lymphoid cell lineage infidelity in atopic dermatitis | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | skin of body | | 17,307 |
Single-cell atlas of diverse immune populations in the advanced biliary tract cancer microenvironment | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | 5 anatomical entities | | 45,851 |
Single-cell deciphering of human fetal innate lymphoid cell development | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v3 | 6 anatomical entities | | Unspecified |
Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals the dynamics of human immune cells during early fetal skin development | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | skin of body | | 57,358 |
Single-cell transcriptome profiling of an adult human cell atlas of 15 major organs | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | 15 anatomical entities | | 84,363 |
Single-cell transcriptomes of the human skin reveal age-related loss of fibroblast priming | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | | 15,457 |
Single-cell transcriptomic analyses provide insights into the developmental origins of neuroblastoma. | Homo sapiens | 4 library construction methods | 8 anatomical entities | | 220,527 |
Single-cell transcriptomics combined with interstitial fluid proteomics defines cell type-specific immune regulation in atopic dermatitis. | Homo sapiens | 2 library construction methods | skin of body | | 37,548 |
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals distinct effector profiles of infiltrating T cells in lupus skin and kidney | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v3 | skin of body | | 3,499 |
Single-nucleus cross-tissue molecular reference maps toward understanding disease gene function. | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | 7 anatomical entities | | 209,126 |
Skin single cell universe identifies IL-1B/IL23A co-producing CD14+ type 3 dendritic cells in psoriasis | Homo sapiens | Smart-seq2 | skin of body | | 1,567 |
Spatial and single-cell transcriptional profiling identifies functionally distinct human dermal fibroblast subpopulations | Homo sapiens | Smart-seq2 | abdomen | | 184 |
Tabula Muris: Transcriptomic characterization of 20 organs and tissues from Mus musculus at single cell resolution | Mus musculus | Smart-seq2 | 18 anatomical entities | | 100,605 |
Targeting the Immune-Fibrosis Axis in Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure | 2 species | 3 library construction methods | 2 anatomical entities | | 143,804 |
The Tabula Sapiens: A multiple-organ, single-cell transcriptomic atlas of humans | Homo sapiens | 3 library construction methods | 24 anatomical entities | | 481,120 |
The emergent landscape of the mouse gut endoderm at single-cell resolution | Mus musculus | 10x 3' v2 | 3 anatomical entities | | 112,201 |
The immune cell atlas of human neuroblastoma | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | 7 anatomical entities | | 46,261 |
The myogenesis program drives clonal selection and drug resistance in rhabdomyosarcoma | Homo sapiens | 5 library construction methods | 12 anatomical entities | | 764,251 |
Village in a dish: a model system for population-scale hiPSC studies | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v3 | skin of body | | 88,927 |
scRNA-seq experiments on human foreskin fibroblasts, foreskin fibroblasts induced directly to retina pigment epithelium, and induced pluripotent stem cell derived retina pigment epithelium. | Homo sapiens | 10x 5' v1 | skin of body | | 8,372 |
αβγδ T cells play a vital role in fetal human skin development and immunity | Homo sapiens | 10x 3' v2 | skin of body | | 5,490 |