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Single-nuclei profiling of aged skeletal muscle

Updated January 25, 2023

Aging is accompanied by a loss of muscle mass and function, termed sarcopenia, causing numerous morbidities and economic burdens in human populations. Mechanisms implicated in age-related sarcopenia include inflammation, muscle stem cell depletion, mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of motor neurons, but whether there are key drivers of sarcopenia is not yet known. To gain deeper insights into age-related sarcopenia, we performed transcriptome profiling on lower limb muscle biopsies from 72 young, old and sarcopenic subjects using bulk RNA-seq (N = 72) and single-nuclei RNA-seq (N = 17). Using this combined approach, we discovered novel changes in gene expression that occur with age and sarcopenia in multiple cell types comprising mature skeletal muscle. Notably, we found increased expression of the genes MYH8 and PDK4, and decreased expression of the gene IGFN1, in old muscle. We also identified a small population of nuclei that express CDKN1A, present only in aged samples, consistent with P21CIP1 senescence in this subpopulation. Our findings identify unique cellular sub-populations populations in aged and sarcopenic skeletal muscle, which will facilitate the development of new therapeutic strategies to combat age-related sarcopenia. Overall design: We performed transcriptome profiling on lower limb muscle biopsies from 72 young, old and sarcopenic subjects using bulk RNA-seq (N = 72) and single-nuclei RNA-seq (N = 17).

Simon MelovBuck Institute for Research on Agingsmelov@buckinstitute.org
Simon Melov (Principal Investigator)1
Perez Kevin1
McGirr Julia1
Limbad Chandani1
Doi Ryosuke1
Nederveen Joshua P2
Nilsson Mats I2
Tarnopolsky Mark2
Campisi Judith3
1Buck Institute for Research on Aging
2McMaster University
3Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Rachel Schwartz

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

skeletal muscle tissue

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method

10x 5' v1

Nucleic Acid Source

single nucleus

Paired End


Analysis Protocol


File Format

3 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

fastq.gz34 file(s)tar1 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)