HCA Data Explorer

Tabula Muris: Transcriptomic characterization of 20 organs and tissues from Mus musculus at single cell resolution

Updated October 20, 2021

We have created a compendium of single cell transcriptome data from the model organism Mus musculus comprising more than 100,000 cells from 20 organs and tissues. These data represent a new resource for cell biology, revealing gene expression in poorly characterized cell populations and allowing for direct and controlled comparison of gene expression in cell types shared between tissues, such as T-lymphocytes and endothelial cells from distinct anatomical locations. Two distinct technical approaches were used for most tissues: one approach, microfluidic droplet-based 3’-end counting, enabled the survey of thousands of cells at relatively low coverage, while the other, FACS-based full length transcript analysis, enabled characterization of cell types with high sensitivity and coverage. The cumulative data provide the foundation for an atlas of transcriptomic cell biology.

Spyros DarmanisBiohubspyros.darmanis@czbiohub.org
Pisco AngelaBiohubangela.pisco@czbiohub.org
Spyros Darmanis (Principal Investigator)1
Pisco Angela (Computational Scientist)1
Christopher Villarreal

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Analysis Portals

Genome BrowserGenome Browser
UCSC Cell BrowserUCSC Cell Browser

Project Label

Tabula Muris


Mus musculus

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity

18 anatomical entities

Organ Part


Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage


Library Construction Method


Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


File Format

4 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

csv2 file(s)fastq.gz199,680 file(s)Robj19 file(s)zip1 file(s)