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Single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq uncovers shared and distinct axes of variation in dorsal LGN neurons in mice, non-human primates, and humans.

Updated November 28, 2023

Abundant evidence supports the presence of at least three distinct types of thalamocortical (TC) neurons in the primate dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of the thalamus, the brain region that conveys visual information from the retina to the primary visual cortex (V1). Different types of TC neurons in mice, humans, and macaques have distinct morphologies, distinct connectivity patterns, and convey different aspects of visual information to the cortex. To investigate the molecular underpinnings of these cell types, and how these relate to differences in dLGN between human, macaque, and mice, we profiled gene expression in single nuclei and cells using RNA-sequencing. These efforts identified four distinct types of TC neurons in the primate dLGN: magnocellular (M) neurons, parvocellular (P) neurons, and two types of koniocellular (K) neurons. Despite extensively documented morphological and physiological differences between M and P neurons, we identified few genes with significant differential expression between transcriptomic cell types corresponding to these two neuronal populations. Likewise, the dominant feature of TC neurons of the adult mouse dLGN is high transcriptomic similarity, with an axis of heterogeneity that aligns with core vs. shell portions of mouse dLGN. Together, these data show that transcriptomic differences between principal cell types in the mature mammalian dLGN are subtle relative to the observed differences in morphology and cortical projection targets. Finally, alignment of transcriptome profiles across species highlights expanded diversity of GABAergic neurons in primate versus mouse dLGN and homologous types of TC neurons in primates that are distinct from TC neurons in mouse.

Bosiljka TasicAllen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, United States.bosiljkat@alleninstitute.org
Trygve E Bakken1
Cindy Tj van Velthoven1
Vilas Menon1
Rebecca D Hodge1
Zizhen Yao1
Thuc Nghi Nguyen1
Lucas T Graybuck1
Gregory D Horwitz2
Darren Bertagnolli1
Jeff Goldy1
Anna Marie Yanny1
Emma Garren1
Sheana Parry1
Tamara Casper1
Soraya I Shehata1
Eliza R Barkan1
Aaron Szafer1
Boaz P Levi1
Nick Dee1
Kimberly A Smith1
Susan M Sunkin1
Amy Bernard1
John Phillips1
Michael J Hawrylycz1
Christof Koch1
Gabe J Murphy1
Ed Lein1
Hongkui Zeng1
Bosiljka Tasic1
1Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, United States.
2Washington National Primate Research Center and Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington, Seattle, United States.

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method


Nucleic Acid Source

single nucleus

Paired End


Analysis Protocol

analysis_protocol_1, analysis_protocol_2

File Format

3 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

csv.gz3 file(s)txt1 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)