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A single-cell atlas of the healthy breast tissues reveals clinically relevant clusters of breast epithelial cells

Updated November 16, 2021

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is an evolving technology used to elucidate the cellular architecture of adult organs. Previous scRNA-seq on breast tissue utilized reduction mammoplasty samples, which are often histologically abnormal. We report a rapid tissue collection/processing protocol to perform scRNA-seq of breast biopsies of healthy women and identify 23 breast epithelial cell clusters. Putative cell-of-origin signatures derived from these clusters are applied to analyze transcriptomes of ~3,000 breast cancers. Gene signatures derived from mature luminal cell clusters are enriched in ~68% of breast cancers, whereas a signature from a luminal progenitor cluster is enriched in ~20% of breast cancers. Overexpression of luminal progenitor cluster-derived signatures in HER2+, but not in other subtypes, is associated with unfavorable outcome. We identify TBX3 and PDK4 as genes co-expressed with estrogen receptor (ER) in the normal breasts, and their expression analyses in >550 breast cancers enable prognostically relevant subclassification of ER+ breast cancers.

Harikrishna NakshatriIndiana University School of Medicinehnakshat@iupui.edu
Hongyu GaoIndiana University School of Medicinehongao@iu.edu
Yunlong LiuIndiana University School of Medicineyunliu@iu.edu

A single-cell atlas of the healthy breast tissues reveals clinically relevant clusters of breast epithelial cells

Poornima Bhat-Nakshatri (Experimental Scientist)1
Anna Maria Storniolo (Co Investigator)1
Harikrishna Nakshatri (Principal Investigator)1
Hongyu Gao (Computational Scientist)1
Yunlong Liu (Co Investigator)1
Lattice Data Coordination (External Curator)2
1Indiana University School of Medicine
2Stanford University

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

upper outer quadrant of breast

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


Analysis Protocol

MergeOptimusLooms_v1.0.0, Optimus_v5.1.1, Optimus_v5.1.2

File Format

4 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

bam16 file(s)fastq32 file(s)loom18 file(s)pdf2 file(s)