HCA Data Explorer

Spatial and single-cell transcriptional landscape of human cerebellar development

Updated January 31, 2022

<h4>ABSTRACT</h4> Cerebellar development and function require precise regulation of molecular and cellular programs to coordinate motor functions and integrate network signals required for cognition and emotional regulation. However, molecular understanding of human cerebellar development is limited. Here, we combined spatially resolved and single-cell transcriptomics to systematically map the molecular, cellular, and spatial composition of early and mid-gestational human cerebellum. This enabled us to transcriptionally profile major cell types and examine the dynamics of gene expression within cell types and lineages across development. The resulting ‘Developmental Cell Atlas of the Human Cerebellum’ demonstrates that the molecular organization of the cerebellar anlage reflects cytoarchitecturally distinct regions and developmentally transient cell types that are insufficiently captured in bulk transcriptional profiles. By mapping disease genes onto cell types, we implicate the dysregulation of specific cerebellar cell types, especially Purkinje cells, in pediatric and adult neurological disorders. These data provide a critical resource for understanding human cerebellar development with implications for the cellular basis of cerebellar diseases.

Kimberly A AldingerSeattle Children's Research Institutekimberly.aldinger@seattlechildrens.org
Kathleen MillenSeattle Children's Research Institutekathleen.millen@seattlechildrens.org
Kimberly A Aldinger1
Zach Thomson1
Parthiv Haldipur1
Mei Deng2
Andrew Timms1
Matthew Hirano2
Gabriel Santpere3
Charles Roco2
Alexander Rosenberg2
Belen Lorente-Galdos3
Forrest Gulden3
Diana O’Day2
Lynne Overman4
Steven Lisgo4
Paula Alexandre5
Nenad Sestan3
Dan Doherty1
William Dobyns1
Georg Seelig2
Ian Glass1
Kathleen Millen1
1Seattle Children's Research Institute
2University of Washington
3Yale School of Medicine
4Newcastle University
5University College London

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Analysis Portals

UCSC Cell BrowserUCSC Cell Browser

Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

3 organ parts

Selected Cell Types

4 cell types

Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

prenatal stage

Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

2 nucleic acid sources

Paired End


Analysis Protocol

RNAseq_DEA, RNAseq_KEGG, snRNAseq_DEA, snRNAseq_analysis, snRNAseq_processed_expression

File Format

5 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

.csv4 file(s).h5ad1 file(s).rds1 file(s).tsv1 file(s).tsv.gz1 file(s)