HCA Data Explorer

The Human and Mouse Enteric Nervous System at Single-Cell Resolution.

Updated July 22, 2022

The authors develop two methods to profile the Enteric Nervous System of adult mice and humans at single-cell resolution: RAISIN RNA-seq for profiling intact nuclei with ribosome-bound mRNA and MIRACL-seq for label-free enrichment of rare cell types by droplet-based profiling.

Ramnik J XavierBroad Institute of MIT and Harvardxavier@molbio.mgh.harvard.edu
Aviv RegevGenentecharegev@broadinstitute.org
Eugene Drokhlyansky1
Christopher S Smillie1
Nicholas Van Wittenberghe1
Maria Ericsson2
Gabriel K Griffin1
Gokcen Eraslan1
Danielle Dionne1
Michael S Cuoco1
Max N Goder-Reiser3
Tatyana Sharova3
Olena Kuksenko1
Andrew J Aguirre4
Genevieve M Boland3
Daniel Graham4
Orit Rozenblatt-Rosen1
Ramnik J Xavier4
Aviv Regev5
1Klarman Cell Observatory, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
2Harvard Medical School
3Massachusetts General Hospital
4Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Ami Day

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



2 species

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity

2 anatomical entities

Organ Part

3 organ parts

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

2 development stages

Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

2 nucleic acid sources

Paired End

false, true

Analysis Protocol

analysis_protocol_cell_type_assignment, analysis_protocol_matrix_generation

File Format

4 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

fastq.gz171 file(s)mtx5 file(s)tsv10 file(s)txt1 file(s)