HCA Data Explorer

Transcriptome-scale spatial gene expression in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Updated August 30, 2022

We used the 10x Genomics Visium platform to define the spatial topography of gene expression in the six-layered human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). We identified extensive layer-enriched expression signatures, and refined associations to previous laminar markers. We overlaid our laminar expression signatures onto large-scale single nuclei RNA sequencing data, enhancing spatial annotation of expression-driven clusters. By integrating neuropsychiatric disorder gene sets, we showed differential layer-enriched expression of genes associated with schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder, highlighting the clinical relevance of spatially-defined expression. We then developed a data-driven framework to define unsupervised clusters in spatial transcriptomics data, which can be applied to other tissues or brain regions where morphological architecture is not as well-defined as cortical laminae. We lastly created a web application for the scientific community to explore these raw and summarized data to augment ongoing neuroscience and spatial transcriptomics research ( http://research.libd.org/spatialLIBD ).

Kristen R Maynard1
Leonardo Collado-Torres1
Lukas M Weber2
Cedric Uytingco3
Brianna K Barry1
Stephen R Williams3
Joseph L Catallini2
Matthew N Tran1
Zachary Besich1
Madhavi Tippani1
Jennifer Chew3
Yifeng Yin3
Joel E Kleinman1
Thomas M Hyde1
Nikhil Rao3
Stephanie C Hicks2
Keri Martinowich (Principal Investigator)1
Andrew E Jaffe (Principal Investigator)1
1Johns Hopkins Medical Campus
2Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
310x Genomics
Ida Zucchi

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method

Visium Spatial Gene Expression

Nucleic Acid Source

bulk cell

Paired End


Analysis Protocol

QC_matrix_generation, dimensionality_reduction, raw_matrix_generation

File Format

11 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

cloupe12 file(s)csv60 file(s)fastq.gz144 file(s)h524 file(s)json12 file(s)mtx.gz24 file(s)nd212 file(s)tif12 file(s)tsv.gz48 file(s)txt12 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)