HCA Data Explorer

Mapping Development of the Human Intestinal Niche at Single-Cell Resolution

Updated November 10, 2021

The human intestinal stem cell niche supports self-renewal and epithelial function, but little is known about its development. We used single-cell mRNA sequencing with in situ validation approaches to interrogate human intestinal development from 7–21 weeks post conception, assigning molecular identities and spatial loca- tions to cells and factors that comprise the niche. Smooth muscle cells of the muscularis mucosa, in close proximity to proliferative crypts, are a source of WNT and RSPONDIN ligands, whereas EGF is expressed far from crypts in the villus epithelium. Instead, an PDGFRAHI/F3HI/DLL1HI mesenchymal population lines the crypt-villus axis and is the source of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family member NEUREGULIN1 (NRG1). In developing intestine enteroid cultures, NRG1, but not EGF, permitted increased cellular diversity via differentiation of secretory lineages. This work highlights the complexities of intestinal EGF/ERBB signaling and delineates key niche cells and signals of the developing intestine.

Jason SpenceUniversity of Michiganspencejr@med.umich.edu

Mapping Development of the Human Intestinal Niche at Single-Cell Resolution

Emily M. Holloway1
Michael Czerwinski1
Yu-Hwai Tsai1
Joshua H. Wu1
Angeline Wu1
Charlie Childs1
Katherine D. Walton1
Caden W. Sweet1
Qianhui Yu2
Ian A. Glass3
Barbara Treutlein (Principal Investigator)4
Gray Camp2
Jason Spence1
1University of Michigan
2Institute of Molecular and Clinical Opthalmology Basel
3University of Washington
4ETH Zurich

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type

2 sample types

Anatomical Entity

small intestine

Organ Part

3 organ parts

Selected Cell Types


Model Organ


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

7 development stages

Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


File Format


Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

fastq180 file(s)