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Integrative computational analysis of the substantia nigra pars compacta and the locus coeruleus

Updated July 19, 2022

The cells of the human brain show levels of functional specialization arguably unparalleled in biology. The recent advent of high-throughput, genome-wide assays to measure expression in individual cells offers an opportunity to characterize cellular variation in the human brain in a comprehensive, unbiased manner, providing a foundation for a brain-wide cell atlas. Crucial to the success of an atlas-scale project, however, is delivering a classification framework that is robust to variation across individuals, age and gender. Developing experimental and analytical tools that parse core, shared molecular signatures from inter-individual variation is therefore critically needed. The first step towards building these important tools is the acquisition and analysis of datasets from tissues known to possess biologically meaningful variation both within the tissue of one human being, and across the same tissue derived from different people. Here, we propose to molecularly profile two regions of the human brain known to display biologically meaningful cellular variation across individuals—the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and the locus coeruleus (LC). These regions are highly susceptible to degeneration and are related to the two most common neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. We will use high-throughput single-nucleus profiling of post-mortem human tissue to acquire 75,000 profiles each from SNc and LC, and analyze cellular diversity within and across individuals.

Evan MacoskoBroad Institute of MIT and Harvardemacosko@broadinstitute.org
Evan Macosko (Principal Investigator)1
Abdulraouf Abdulraouf (Experimental Scientist)1
Carly Martin (Experimental Scientist)1
Ashley Ferreira (Experimental Scientist)1
Charles Vanerburg (Pathologist)1
Velina Kozareva (Computational Scientist)1
1Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Zinaida A Perova

To reference this project, please use the following link:

INSDC Project Accessions:
ERP123269, SRP186408
GEO Series Accessions:INSDC Study Accessions:BioStudies Accessions:

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

2 organ parts

Selected Cell Types

2 cell types

Disease Status (Specimen)

4 disease statuses

Disease Status (Donor)

14 disease statuses

Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method

10X 3' v2 sequencing

Nucleic Acid Source

single nucleus

Paired End


File Format

4 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

bam43 file(s)fastq.gz255 file(s)loom44 file(s)pdf1 file(s)