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Dissecting the human liver cellular landscape by single cell RNA-seq reveals novel intrahepatic monocyte/ macrophage populations

Updated October 20, 2021

The liver is the largest solid organ in the body and is critical for metabolic and immune functions. However, little is known about the cells that make up the human liver and its immune microenvironment. Here we report a map of the cellular landscape of the human liver using single-cell RNA sequencing. We provide the transcriptional profiles of 8444 parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells obtained from the fractionation of fresh hepatic tissue from five human livers. Using gene expression patterns, flow cytometry, and immunohistochemical examinations, we identify 20 discrete cell populations of hepatocytes, endothelial cells, cholangiocytes, hepatic stellate cells, B cells, conventional and non-conventional T cells, NK-like cells, and distinct intrahepatic monocyte/macrophage populations. Together, our study presents a comprehensive view of the human liver at single-cell resolution that outlines the characteristics of resident cells in the liver, and in particular provides a map of the human hepatic immune microenvironment.

Sonya A MacParlandUniversity of Torontosonya.macparland@uhnresearch.ca
Gary D BaderUniversity of Torontogary.bader@utoronto.ca
Ian D McGilvrayUniversity Health Networkian.mcgilvray@uhn.ca
Sonya A MacParland (Principal Investigator)1
Jeff C Liu (Computational Scientist)1
Gary D Bader (Principal Investigator)1
Ian D McGilvray (Principal Investigator)2
Xue-Zhong Ma (Clinician)2
Brendan T Innes (Computational Scientist)1
Agata M Bartczak (Experimental Scientist)2
Blair K Gage (Experimental Scientist)2
Justin Manuel (Clinician)2
Nicholas Khuu (Experimental Scientist)2
Juan Echeverri (Clinician)2
Ivan Linares (Clinician)2
Rahul Gupta (Experimental Scientist)2
Michael L Cheng (Experimental Scientist)2
Lewis Y Liu (Experimental Scientist)2
Damra Camat (Experimental Scientist)2
Sai W Chung (Experimental Scientist)2
Rebecca K Seliga (Experimental Scientist)2
Zigong Shao (Clinician)2
Elizabeth Lee (Administrator)2
Shinichiro Ogawa (Experimental Scientist)2
Mina Ogawa (Experimental Scientist)2
Michael D Wilson (Co-Investigator)3
Jason E Fish (Co-Investigator)2
Markus Selzner (Clinician)2
Anand Ghanekar (Clinician)2
David Grant (Clinician)2
Paul Greig (Clinician)2
Gonzalo Sapisochin (Clinician)2
Nazia Selzner (Clinician)2
Neil Winegarden (Co-Investigator)2
Oyedele Adeyi (Pathologist)2
Gordon Keller (Co-Investigator)2
1University of Toronto
2University Health Network
3Hospital for Sick Children
William G Sullivan

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Analysis Portals

UCSC Cell BrowserUCSC Cell Browser

Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

caudate lobe

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method

10x 3' v2

Nucleic Acid Source

single cell

Paired End


File Format

5 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

bam5 file(s)csv1 file(s)fastq.gz120 file(s)loom6 file(s)zip1 file(s)